Friday, September 19, 2014

I created this blog to share our farm life in Wisconsin with other chicken, duck, goose, farm enthusiasts!  Here and there I will also post my cooking, crafts, and anything else related to the farm life.  I would love to connect with others and hope to help and share ideas in the farming realm. 

 My husband and I have been raising ducks and chickens for the past three, going on four years.  We have learned many things through trial and error.  Though hard physically, and sometimes emotionally, we are truly blessed with how far we've come and the joys that have been experienced with raising these birds.

 This upcoming spring (after this year's soon to be dreadful winter, hopefully not too dreadful!), I plan to set up our small greenhouse and have a go at some gardening!

I haven't had much gardening success, due to the cluckers and quackers eating my seedlings.  Not this time!  For spring 2015, I have them all pasture-fenced-up!

Here begins my blogging adventure!

1 comment:

  1. Let the games begin! Thanks for linking up with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop, Kali!
    I hope to see you back again.

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick®
